
Quality Policy

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We have customer testimonials from several steel tycoons, who had been in business with us from more than 15 years. Here is why they believe in us:

Our Motto is “Growth with Quality, together with our associates”.

Our teams of skilled manpower are passionate for excellence in their field and we firmly believe that, “Quality speaks for itself”.


Growth with Quality is a WAY of our life adopting constant change and innovations.

We ensure the Quality Policy, by constantly hearing and monitoring the customers’ feedback for timely improvements and establish new Service standards. We measure success, by success of our customers and their satisfaction levels.

We are empowered with the skilled man power having customer centric approach and will to succeed. Our organisation is recognized for its prompt service, of supply of Quality materials by professional personnel, giving minute attention to the details of customers’ business requirements.

We are regularly supplying materials to the various time bound infrastructure projects, Bridge constructions, Power Projects, Cement Projects, Tower Manufacturing facilities etc.

Quality Checks:

We use modern non-destructive testing like ultrasonic test (UT) to know internal cracks and blow holes on demand of customers to ensure the quality of the material. There is also provision of Spectrometer analysis to know the chemical composition of the material.


The driving force to succeed and EXCELL in all we do, has been the sprit of our people. With customer centric approach; Our strength lies in each of our individual organizations with the ability to consolidate its core strength & competencies and EXCELL in each of our business.

satta king